
Under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) TransCare can deliver meals to the clinet's home or we can arrange for you to enjoy a social lunch with other clients.


Meals at Centre

TransCare runs its Meals at Centre Program monthly in Muswellbrook and Scone. You could make new friends or catch up with some people you already know while enjoying a meal at some of Muswellbrook and Scone’s fantastic restaurants.

TransCare provides a bus to transport clients from their door to the venue and return you safely to your home after the activity. We work with venues to ensure access is easy for our clients and the meal is ordered prior to the day to help things flow.

The social interaction provided by this program is instrumental in helping older people of our community to develop relationships and maintain communication with peers.

Bookings are essential for this service.


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides the peace of mind in knowing that within minutes you have something to eat if you want it and that it will be in the freezer for another day should your plans change.

Meals are delivered weekly and you are able to choose from a variety of options depending on your tastes and needs. All meals are nutritionally balanced and individually packed which makes them great to stack into the freezer for when you need them.

Meals on Wheels has an extensive range of nutritional meals suitable for over 65's many of which meet the National Meal Guidelines, including special diets, multicultural and modified meals.

We can supply the following:

  • Breakfast;
  • Soup;
  • Main Meals;
  • Mini Meals;
  • Premium Meals;
  • Desserts; and
  • Snacks.

We are able to cater for special dietary needs, such as gluten free, low potassium, puree or cut up.