Bulga Crafters Generosity

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In rural areas there is no shortage of people who are willing to lend a hand any way they can.

Over recent months the Bulga Crafters have been busy knitting beanies and gloves, and stitching blankets that have been donated to the Cancer Council for the Transport to Treatment program.

TransCare promotions officer Jemma Anshaw said the gifts for clients are both thoughtful and useful.

“Following treatment it can be hard for people to get comfortable, especially when travelling. Each of our clients on the Transport to Treatment program will be given one of these bags and they can use the contents in the car, on the couch or anywhere they need it.”

TransCare is just one of the recipients of the generosity of the Bulga Crafters in the Upper Hunter thanks to the Cancer Councils Upper Hunter office.

A recent morning tea with TransCare and the Cancer Council will be the last for the Bulga Crafters before renovations are made on their committee hall meeting room at the start of August.

At the morning tea the Bulga Crafters shared their plans for summer packs for the Transport to Treatment clients which will include bandanas and other goodies.

Our Community Partners

TransCare are very grateful to our generous community who make it possible for us to offer our services to the Upper Hunter.