TransCare August Newsletter

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Home Care Packages
TransCare is now able to take on clients who have been allocated a Home Care Package by My Aged Care.
Clients who are currently on the Commonwealth Home Support Programme may have received a letter letting them know of their eligibility. If this is the case all you need to do is give us a call or pop in with the letter and our staff will arrange services to meet your needs.
Select 3 at the switch when you call the office.

NDIS Support
Now that TransCare is taking on NDIS clients we are able to celebrate their successes and achievements with them. Recently Karen Beckingham used some of her funding to purchase a motorised scooter that will help her independently get around Scone.
TransCare staff have encouraged Karen to ride the scooter and supported her while learning how it works.
Karen receives domestic assistance and social support individual with TransCare through her NDIS package.
If you would like to know more about how we can help you select 3 at the switch to speak with our NDIS Administration Assistant Paulette.

Annual Barefoot Bowls Night
Save the date - Thursday October 24.
While there is still planning to be done, we are looking forward to hosting this great community event again in 2019.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 
The role of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is to protect and enhance the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of people receiving aged care. They promote high quality care and services to safeguard everyone who is receiving Australian Government funded aged care.
Source: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website

Supporting TransCare
Barwick House is our hub and our home, a feat that may not have been possible without the generosity of locals Sid and Percy Barwick.
The building at 214 Kelly Street Scone was purchased in 2011 when the brothers left a significant donation for TransCare bequeathed in their Will.
When completing your Will you have the option to include a charity like TransCare as a beneficiary, and we appreciate any support you are willing to give.
TransCare is a registered charity and we are also able to accept tax deductible donations.

Services Spotlight – Transport
At TransCare our most visible service is Transport, but do you know all the services we off er under this banner?
For clients registered with My Aged Care or on an NDIS Plan we are able to provide Direct Transport, a door to door service for clients needing to complete errands but do not have access to a vehicle or are unable to drive.
This is a local service, in the Muswellbrook Shire Council and Upper Hunter Shire Council areas.
Our Medical Transport and Community Bus services are able to help people who do not have access to private or public transport due to a range of circumstances including location. Medical Transport is a door to door service designed to help clients attend out of town medical appointments. Community Bus service runs Monday to Friday throughout the region, servicing Merriwa, Denman, Muswellbrook, Aberdeen, Scone and through to Murrurundi. Members of the community are able to be dropped to the shops or home, bookings are essential.
Our Transport section also arrange regular social trips to events and destinations that give clients the opportunity to get out and about with peers.
If you would like more information about these services please call the office and select 1 at the switch.

Our Community Partners

TransCare are very grateful to our generous community who make it possible for us to offer our services to the Upper Hunter.