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Wellness and Reablement Fire Safety in the Home – Muswellbrook

TransCare’s “Fire and Safety in the Home” Workshop will be an interactive and informative workshop educating our CHSP clients on the risks and hazards that can cause fires inside the home.

The workshop will include what to do if there is a fire in your home, how to get out of your home, how to check smoke alarms and how important they are in saving lives, practical demonstrations and the opportunity to practice some valuable fire safety skills.

The aim of this workshop for TransCare CHSP clients is to improve your confidence in fire safety awareness, maintain fire safety in your home and know what to do if there is an in-home fire to prevent loss of life, property and prevent fire related injuries.

Bookings are essential and should be made by calling Tish on 6545 3113 and selecting 5 at the switch.