Aged Care is changing- TransCare is not

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A message from your friendly, local, service provider at TransCare Hunter LtdAGM 2016

You may be hearing in the news, or on the grapevine that Aged Care is changing.

At this stage TransCare is not changing anything to your current services. We will continue to provide all our services as we always have, to the high standards of care that our community has become accustomed to.

TransCare is funded by The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) by the Australian Government to help older people stay independent and in their homes and communities for longer. It provides entry-level home support for older people who need assistance to keep living independently.

If you receive a phone call, letter, or are visited by another provider offering packaged care, or offering other services and you are confused or worried about this call please phone us on 6545 3113.

Please ask us about our full range of services under CHSP funding or for any other services that you require locally to live independently in our community.

We can assist you with your individual needs and support you in making an informed choice for all your service needs.

Our Community Partners

TransCare are very grateful to our generous community who make it possible for us to offer our services to the Upper Hunter.